
Facebook Unfriends Free Speech

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Facebook Unfriends Free Speech

Nikki Williams, Feb 8, 2016




Speak out Online 


My First Impression:

I though that this was all about unfriending on facebook 



"A common global community with a shared understanding" 


Reflection Proper:

Facebook is a social networking site where you could freely speak your mind on freedom of speech online but reading the article  facebook unfriends free speech I personally think that facebook is breaking up from their original mission to give the people the power to share and make the world more open and connected by deleting posts of several users about their freedom of expression and even others being banned from facebook , personally  I think that facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is being bias on their standards of what people are posting on facebook by who what and why are they posting is all about, like when facebook did a censoring of their social media competitor tsu.co on all this cross-platform apps , for me facebook seems to forget that their mission is to give power to share and be connected to others , by censoring these kinds of stuff they take away facebooks goal and reason for existence which is to be a platform for expression of all viewpoints and opinions , but for me there are also contents that should be blocked by facebook , like the promotion dangerous organization , attacks not only on public figures but to a certain individual or a certain user , sexual violence and exploitation and criminal activities , but personal expressions for me should not be censored by facebook even if does not benefit them , becaue facebook should value the peoples freedom of speech and their rights to give their idea or their opinion on certain things and online topics and discussions , 63% of the public uses facebook as their news source so if facebook can decide what post they only want to be published then it will be easy for them to manipulate peoples opinion 

which is pretty dangerous and may even create chaos or misunderstandings towards others.


5 Things That I have Learned:

1.  Facebook’s power and reach is already such that it picks and chooses causes to support and repress through censorship of users

2.  Mark Zuckerberg has been courting Chinese officials in a bid to get the restrictive country

3.  Facebook is playing political chess by blocking accounts.

4.  Facebook censored Liao Yiwu for posting pictures of a streaking anti-government protester.

5.  Facebook censors politically motivated posts with which it disagrees.


5 Integrative Questions:

1.  What is the reason why Mark Zuckerberg want Pres xi jinping to name his first born child?

2.  Why did facebook censor liao yin? 

3.  What are the real standards of facebook on conservatism and liberals?

4.  why did facebook censor and delete tsu.com?

5.  How does facebook choose what to filter?





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