
Google Glass: Flawed Technology or Flawed Ethics

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Google Glass: Flawed Technology or Flawed Ethics?

Nora Dunne, Feb 16, 2015




The Glass of google 


My First Impression:

I think that the google glass is very intriguing because I personally do not know much about it. 



“Is it ready for everyone right now?"


Reflection Proper:


The Release of the google glass was all over all through the web, news, and online networking. The time it was discharged, just few individuals could get it due to its extremely costly cost. Much sadly that there are various defects that Google did not consider when they discharged it to general society. The Google Glass was so built up when Google said "when they are prepared" since this suggests they understand that the thing was still in the beta stage and not yet arranged for individuals as a rule however in spite of all that they discharged it. There are also some ethical stresses over it in the matter of why it didn't transformed into a noteworthy hit to individuals when all is said in done. Imaging some individual wearing google glass where they can take a photograph or a video of you not knowing, the Glass has been banned in various establishments like specialist's offices and bars even before it began to discharge. This transformed into a huge amount of security stresses to the general populace. This has incited to stop the making of the Google Glass. More to that Google used the clients as like guinea pig just to know the information of the device where in any case they paid for the irrational contraption and viewed as like guinea pig of Google. If we were to use the Google Glass in a Philippine setting it would similarly realize a lot of hubbub and can madden people. One time I saw a man wearing Google Glass in a shopping center and pretty much everyone passing by are looking to the man wearing the Google Glass. I derive that person who is wearing it would feel genuinely uncomfortable that people are looking at him just since he is wearing that advancement. 


5 Things That I have Learned:

1. Users could take photos and videos, send texts, and participate in Google Hangouts using a dashboard 

2. Google made tests with the unit the customers bought like using it as (guinea pigs)

3. Google assumes users didn’t really know what to expect of it.

4. Engineers believed that the Glass project was not ready for the public

5. Glass is not the first product that Google has halted


5 Integrative Questions:

1. Why did google launch the glass?

2. How does google handle the reports of the people?

3. How is this different than the beta?

4. What are the reasons of google launching this even when it is not yet ready?

5. How does google handle these current problems?


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